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Winter has arrived and with it comes shorter days and longer nights. Last winter ushered in many ice and snow storms across the country, even dipping into the south. This year is no exception as The Old Farmer’s Almanac predicts “another arctic blast with above-normal snowfall throughout much of the nation.” Now is a good time to make sure your home is ready for winter’s wrath by planning ahead. Here are some checklists to provide the bare necessities of heating and cooking when the power goes out, and how propane can help.

Heating Checklist:

  • Have extra blankets, sleeping bags and coats handy in case you and your family need to gather in one location to keep warm.
  • Gather your portable heaters and ensure they are in working condition. Only use electric heaters with automatic shut-off switches. Keep them at least 3 feet away from furniture and drapes.
  • Purchase a propane generator or convert your gasoline generator to propane to power your heating system or portable heaters. Gasoline is in high demand during a power outage and has a very limited shelf life. Propane Refills can safely be stored for years, so it is economical to keep a few on hand.

Cooking Checklist:

  • Stock up on drinking water and canned food. Ensure you have a non-electric can opener, too. Check that you have enough for each member of the family for a few days.
  • If you don’t already have one, consider purchasing a gas grill and stock up on propane tanks. If the power is out for a few days, freezer meat will begin to thaw and go to waste. Cook it on a gas grill to stretch your food supply.
  • Fumes are deadly. Always use gas or charcoal grills outdoors.

Propane provides clean burning fuel with longer run times than gasoline when using a generator. It is also longer-lasting. Storing a few tanks, even for a few years, will ensure you have a cooking and heating source year-round for weather emergencies. Offering propane refills and a large selection of grills, we are your “Suburban Survival Store” in the surrounding Washington D.C. area. Please contact us to help prepare you for what winter’s wrath may bring.