Lawn and Leisure Blog

Outdoor Grills: Revive the Renaissance | Reston, VA

Outdoor Grills: Revive the Renaissance | Reston, VA

In the 1500s everyone cooked over an open flame or hot coals and as a result the cooks of the day were experts at grilling large cuts of meat.  During the Renaissance only the affluent had kitchens; the common folk either ate porridge from a big pot on the hearth, or...

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The Case for Charcoal Grills | Leesburg, VA

The Case for Charcoal Grills | Leesburg, VA

In the eternal debate of gas vs charcoal grilling, Joe Brown, the New York Editor of Wired, comes down decidedly on the side of using glowing hot coals. His rationale involves the unique aroma that he says that charcoal imparts to the meat. In other words, heat is...

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The Benefits of Charcoal Grills | Washington DC

The Benefits of Charcoal Grills | Washington DC

Memorial Day having passed means that it is officially summertime. This means that you will likely soon be preparing for neighborhood barbeques. However, this could also mean that if you do not have a barbeque, or if your barbeque is old, it is time for you to start...

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