Owning an outdoor fireplace can be a wonderful treat when the weather begins to warm up enough to be outside during the evenings. Whether you enjoy using the fireplace with your family or you like to throw large parties with all of your loved ones invited, it’s important that you take special care when children are around.

Taking care of your fireplace with the following tips will help reduce the chance of a fire.

Keep the Area Around the Fireplace Free of Decorations

While it can be tempting to dress up your fireplace with decorations, it’s important that you realize that these items can be a fire hazard. By removing any items near your fireplace, you can be sure that embers don’t fly out and start a fire.

Set Up Some Fireplace Doors

The easiest way to reduce the chance of a child burning themselves with the fire going is through having doors set up. These doors can help prevent anything from flying out of the fireplace and keep a child from reaching inside.

Carefully Choose Your Firewood

The firewood you burn can make a difference in how large the fire roars and how much embers are created. Generally speaking, you should choose wood that burns longer and avoid any wood with moisture.

Always Supervise When Using the Fireplace

Whenever the fire is roaring, it’s important that you keep an eye on it. Children are incredibly curious, so you’ll need to be sure that they’re not getting too close through supervision.

Enjoying a fireplace can be a wonderful way to spend time outdoors during spring, summer, and fall, but you’ll need to keep safety in mind. Contact us for more helpful safety tips.